God's Nuclear Touch


God's Nuclear Touch integrates related information from articles the news. This one presents evidence of greater susceptibility to damage from radiation and to cancer in Jewish populations. This appears to be proof of Divine encounters, where Jewish ancestors were in physical proximity to the presence of God, and were apparently damaged by what was called Divine "radiance," or what we call ionizing radiation.  

A September 1995 New York Times article states: 


“U. S. studies have shown that Jews are more susceptible to the damaging effects of radiation than non-Jews, which means that Jewish residents of the Ukraine could be more likely to suffer from the after-effects from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

According to the studies, Ashkanazi Jews are three times more likely to such effects and North African Jews, up to ten times more susceptible.

These results were disclosed yesterday by Dr. Keith Baverstock, a radiation scientist in Rome for the World Health Organization.  Baverstock, a British radiologist who is monitoring the effects of the 1986 nuclear reactor explosion, says that no one has explained the reason for the seeming higher risk for Jews.”


            Based on the above WHO (a UN organization) statistics, consider this explanation derived from Biblical study and technical research: Jewish descendants of the ancient Israelites are more susceptible to nuclear radiation and less resistant to cancer because their genes were damaged from being in close proximity to the highly-ionized (radioactive) presence of God for a thousand years.

          Recent research suggests this is plausible; Dads 'pass on' radiation effects.

          See: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3633752.stm

“Fathers exposed to radiation pass on the damage to their children, research suggests.

Offspring of radiation-exposed male mice had mutations in their cells suggestive of radiation damage, despite

having had no direct exposure.

The Leicester University team said studies of Chernobyl victims indicate the same is true in humans.”

Author’s Introduction - How this Scenario Began

Comprehending the engineering and scientific achievements of ancient civilizations is a fascinating pursuit. The notion that only recent generations possess brilliant technical minds is not logical in the face of archaeological and anthropological findings. At a professional level, I view myself as a fairly technical person, but I also fancy myself an amateur armchair anthropologist, and a physics buff.   I only have some college courses under my belt, but received a formidable technical education growing up in a family of manufacturers with machine shops, where I learned how to design and manufacture many things from the teachings of my father and the guidance of my brothers. For more than thirty years, I launch companies as an inventor, developer, manufacturer, distributor, and marketer of technology-based, software driven products and services.

Twenty years ago, I went through a difficult phase in my business and personal life, filled with crushed visions of success, betrayals, misguided ambitions, financial suicide, self-doubt, and the loss of my father.  When sleeplessness became an additional problem, I began reading the Bible: specifically the five books of Moses most nights. The experience transformed my life in a profound way, as it provided solace, wisdom, and a bit of tranquility. 

One such night, I was studying one of the less interesting parts of the Bible: detailed descriptions of ritual offerings commonly referred to as animal sacrifices.  Note that these acts were performed only during the times when the God of the Israelites deemed them to be necessary, to literally allow his presence to reside amongst them, during the exodus from Egypt, in the desert and later, in the Promised Land. I noticed something called the Wave Offering, where the food segregated for the Priests was waved before the Holy of Holies. This Biblical act clearly resembles a modern technical achievement that I was peripherally involved with thirty-some years ago: gamma sterilization, which dates back to the first machine, built in 1963 in my home state of New Jersey. We currently expose certain foods to a source that emits gamma rays, to literally "nuke" them. This technique is in the news, based on an E. coli outbreak that is now sickening and killing German citizens.   All spices and shrimp sold in the US have been irradiated for years, and thanks to the occasional discovery of killer bacteria found in processed meats, we can now buy select, irradiated cuts if we are willing to pay a premium price per pound to sterilize them.


According to Britanicca.com: "Irradiation, or radurization, is a pasteurization method accomplished by exposing meat to doses of radiation. Radurization is as effective as heat pasteurization in killing food-spoilage microorganisms. Irradiation of meat is accomplished by exposing meat to high-energy ionizing radiation produced either by electron accelerators or by exposure to gamma-radiation-emitting substances such as cobalt-60 or cesium-137. Irradiated products are virtually identical in character to nonirradiated products, but they have significantly lower microbial contamination. Irradiated fresh meat products still require refrigeration and packaging to prevent spoilage, but the refrigerated storage life of these products is greatly extended."

I wondered if this curious ritual might have been used to preserve the breasts and right hind quarters of the offered rams, in a hot desert climate, by a culture that had no means of mechanical refrigeration.  The fascinating idea was that gamma irradiation of foods, thought to be a relatively recent discovery, was more likely an ancient Biblical sterilization technigue. 

Then, a more earth-shaking question emerged: Did the Holy of Holies, the inner chamber said to contain the presence of God, emit significant amounts of ionizing radiation?  I immediately dismissed that notion on the basis that radioactive emissions in sufficient doses to sterilize meat would have affected the lives of the Israelites in more profound ways, and no scholar had ever proposed this idea to my knowledge.  Besides, trying to promote the idea that ancient rituals of a spiritual nature may have inherent physical benefits, seemed like professional suicide as a working technologist.

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Reading on, with this unappealing yet thought-provoking conversation in the back of my mind, I noticed additional descriptions of related phenomena.  I then discretely began a serious and lengthy investigation, collecting data part-time over a seven-year period, while not knowing where this work would lead.  What started as an objective analysis to produce a technical whitepaper, soon became a more subjective scenario, as I uncovered hundreds of Biblical examples that evidence the presence of nuclear radiation: the same force we better understand and extensively utilize today.

Throughout this endeavor, I sought the opinions and consulting services of radiologists, biologists, pathologists, physicists, plasma experts, theologians, and religious leaders.  I sensed that to go out on this limb, even as an amateur, I needed to have a strong root system to support the effort.  One notable Biblical scientist, with whom I shared God's Nuclear Touch information, said:  "Alan… your basic premise that radiation lingers in exposed objects is wrong and I have to tell you that you are going to get torn to shreds out there!"

While discussing raw data gleaned from the Biblical text, a more heartening comment came from a Professor of Radiology:  “Alan, you blindly theorize these ideas and they somehow turn out to be medically correct and scientifically intriguing!”  Encouraged, I quickly passed on the credit by acknowledging the detailed Biblical accounts as the primary source of the information and offered a Rabbi’s comment that regardless of perspective, “truth is truth.”


The combined results of “blindly theorizing” and the ongoing stimulating study are embodied in the scenario described in the pages that follow.  While I am neither a scientist, engineer, nor a theologian, it is my layman’s hope that God's Nuclear Touch can build a bridge of understanding by provoking high-spirited debates, among a billion believers and doubters, concerning the most meaningful and most quoted books of our time.  I also hope to play a part in popularizing what I call Biblical Scene Investigation, or B.S.I., which, like the famous C.S.I. shows, could create awareness and reveal new clues relating to the fields of health, medicine, genetics, archaeology, and other scientific and social endeavors.


wave offering and poem (82K)




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Please contact me with questions or feedback: contact@godsnucleartouch.com.


©1989-2012 A. Stuart Kaplan

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