God's Nuclear Touch

Part 1


          The Bible is one of humanity's most ancient and enduring spiritual documents. The portion known as The Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament, has survived for millennia while all history’s greatest and most powerful empires have crumbled into mere memories.  As a rich historical compendium of laws and stories, this treasure of wisdom illuminates deep moral truths about human life, its place, and Divine purpose.  But these facts alone may not account for the remarkable power the ancient scrolls describe and mysteriously possess. 

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          God's Nuclear Touch suggests that there may be a deeper physical truth at work that, if properly investigated, could support the authenticity and accuracy of the mostly spiritual account.

          For many, Torah is the "blueprint of creation," the unfolding of God's plan for humankind and the Earth. In a deeply spiritual work entitled: Pirke Avot (The Sayings of the Fathers) the sages state that the Torah contains all things past, present and future.  They say, "Turn it over and turn it over, for everything is in it."

style='font-size:13.5pt;line-height:150%;color:black'>         Through the study of the Torah’s fascinating narration, along with its related texts over the last three thousand years, Jews, Christians, Agnostics, and Atheists alike discover new depths of human experience, inside the universal laws and truths contained within it. I believe God's Nuclear Touch “turns the scroll" in a new and unusual way, and that is why I propose this scenario.  Please understand that I make no moral judgments to slant this work.  My original goal was to study the engineering described in the Old Testament and write a technical white paper on the subject.  But after years of study, my new goal is the correct and meaningful interpretation of this ancient information by scientists, who in turn, could turn my subjective scenario into a valid theory, or disprove it as pseudo-science tripe, as the case may be.  Towards that end, I will attempt to support all open-minded readers in a positive way and try to reconcile their differing viewpoints.  Every effort has hecklers and detractors, and to them I openly admit being biased in this effort. 

          I confess to not reading and understanding other holy books that form the foundations of the world’s great religions, to begin the process of detecting references about their God's Nuclear Touch.  I hope that religious and secular readers will begin this potentially worthwhile task, and I hope to catch up soon.   I also don’t mean to offend anyone by using the gender specific “He” as a pronoun for God.  Animal activists and vegetarians should not take offense with this exploration that sometimes appears to be insensitive to their issues.   In fact, fueling any moral, social or political argument whatsoever is neither the intent nor the position of God's Nuclear Touch, although I do mention some likely moral justifications from time to time.

          During the first ten years of often-intense research and study, I kept this work a secret because I feared describing spiritual events in mostly physical terms.  God's Nuclear Touch might be deeply offensive to those of us with abundant faith, who believe in the fundamentally unexplainable nature of the miraculous events described in the Bible.  The Salman Rushdie and South Park death sentences didn't exactly support full disclosure either.

          After much study and soul searching, I finally worked up enough courage to share my discovery with my religious teacher.  His eyes grew round as I shared my scenario and a huge Ah-ha look blossomed on his face.  "This might explain a lot of mysterious things ... "  he said.  "If you let people know about this, it could bring a lot of people to the truth.  Remember, through studying the physical world we gain greater understanding of the spiritual world."

          The first five books of the Old Testament appear to be more than a conceptual or spiritual blueprint.  I find it to also be a technical schematic and a functional specification - a survival manual detailing how to live with the intense ionizing radiation associated with God’s presence when He dwelled amongst the ancient Israelites, during and after their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land (what is now modern Israel and Jordan).  Many descriptions of this Divine Biblical force resemble various forms of radiation, and the text is filled with hundreds of recognizable examples of their powerful influence on human and animal populations, as well as the ecology of the lands they inhabited.  

          I am not pretending to be an expert of any kind - be it a theologian, a physician, scientist, etc. My layman's role is to present my findings and interpretations in a clear and unambiguous manner. I have the good fortune to consult with (and integrate the teachings of) brilliant individuals who possess these titles and more, before bringing my scenario to print.

          Come with me on another exodus back to Mt. Sinai for a new revelation, a new lens for modern readers to use, some of whom will think that this work supports the spirituality, authenticity, and accuracy of the original ancient narration.  This new teaching will not speak in the Bronze Age elements of fire, water, earth, and air. Instead, it will use the language of our scientific era: radiation, plasma-physics, electromagnetism, etc., and describe their physical effects on humanity and the environment that supports all life on our planet.

          The "Tablets of Testimony" in our time may not be written with the likely radioactive finger of God as they originally were at Mt. Sinai.  Instead, they will be written with scientific data, some of which will hopefully analyze nuclear touchpoints, where God physically interacted with humans, the traces of which may still radiate amidst the sands of the Sinai desert and under the streets of Jericho and Jerusalem.  The information that follows may also lead to humanity's first measurable proof of God's presence on Earth.  It is my hope that God's Nuclear Touch inspires archaeological, medical, genetic, and other scientific discoveries that will provide a broadened perspective and understanding of the role God still plays in our lives, as well as our role in His universe.




 Mysterious Rays of Light



          "So Moses came down from Mount Sinai...bearing the two tablets of the Pact...not aware that the skin of his face was radiant, since he had spoke with Him."
(Exodus 34:29)

             People have long assumed that the rays of light emanating from Moses' face resulted from this highly spiritual encounter with the Divine.  But our understanding of ionizing radiation suggests an additional interpretation; Moses' face shone because he'd been close to a radioactive source, for a prolonged period of time.  Normally, atoms are made to be radioactive by bombardment with neutrons in a nuclear reactor or heavy ions in a large accelerator, and while invisible ionizing radiation would pass through Moses' (or any human's) skin, the soot (from burning material such as incense), clay, and/or dirt on the desert dweller’s face, could absorb and transform its energy into visible light, a process known as scintillation. 

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          This passage continues:

          "When Aaron and all the Israelites saw that the skin of Moses' face was shining with a brilliant light, they were afraid to come close to him...he (then) placed a hood over his face. ...Whenever Moses came before God to speak to him, he would remove the hood until he was ready to leave. He would then go out and speak to the Israelites, (telling them) what he had been commanded.  The Israelites would see that the skin of Moses' face was glowing brilliantly.  Moses would then replace the hood over his face until he would (once again) speak with God.


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           Let us assume that Moses was exposed to a powerful source of ionizing radiation when he first encountered God's presence at the Burning Bush (while living in Midian, just after he fled from Egypt) and later, on Mt. Sinai, where the Tablets of the Law were received (a 120 day process in all).  What might have happened? 

          Moses would have felt its mysterious power, and would have initially become quite sick as all people do when exposed to substantial doses of nuclear radiation.

          The Text says Moses fasted for 40 days on Mt. Sinai, taking neither food nor drink.  Tradition says his abstinence was spiritual in nature, but it is also reasonable to assume that he also fasted initially because he couldn't eat.  Like those exposed to radiation today, Moses' body was probably wracked with nausea, vomiting, and general malaise.  These symptoms are currently known to last for only a few days, and nowhere does the ancient text disagree. Moses was neither weakened nor debilitated when he came back down from Mt. Sinai carrying the Tablets of the Law containing the Ten Commandments.  Is it possible that his minimum caloric and nutritional requirements were reduced by an almost hibernation-like meditation and the effects of beneficial radiation? 

          Evidence of this is described as happening to field mice near Chernobyl, where, over a three-year period after the disaster, their DNA realigned and they actually thrive on the escaped energy that should otherwise have caused their extinction. More recent, credible findings include the concept that we will soon be eating radiation. Eating Radiation: A New Form of Energy? (See David Ewing Duncan's blog found at http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/duncan/17611/ - an MIT Publication). It says: "In a bizarre alternative to photosynthesis, some fungi "eat" radiation--with the role of chlorophyll taken by melanin, a chemical also found in human skin… (and) The uses of this discovery could range from a disposal method for nuclear waste to a food source for long space voyages during which fungi could grow using radiation from outer space, although future astronauts may not find fungi very appetizing. Dadachova suggests that the fungi might be used as a biofuel to be grown in high-altitude regions where radiation is prevalent and nothing else can grow." Much more on this topic will follow.

          Based on these scientific discoveries, did Moses did not need to eat as he was getting his energy direct from the Source in Mt. Sinai? 

Fasting for 40 days appears elsewhere in the Jewish tradition involving exposure to what is holy and sanctified.  There is a current rule on the books, but not followed to anyone's knowledge, whereby one must fast for 40 days if a sacred Torah scroll is dropped in one’s presence.  This may be related to the experience of Moses on Mt. Sinai. One would suppose that this was a virtual death sentence, in that death would probably occur today, if this rule was followed.  But God's Nuclear Touch suggests a more practical reason, in that the original scrolls might have contained some of this Divine life-threatening and life-preserving power, and the exposure individual might not hold down the food and/or one didn’t require any.

           We don't really know how much Moses understood about the powerful and subtle effects of ionizing radiation on the human body; we don't know everything about it today.  But Moses feared God and was instructed not to get too close. 

          When he asked for permission to see His Presence, God answered,
"I will make all My goodness pass before you ... but you cannot see My face, for man may not see Me and live." (Exodus 35:19-20).  According to the text, He:

1)     placed Moses in the cleft of a rock

2)     protected him with His hand,  &   

3)     waited for His Presence to pass.

          Moses then saw God's back or shadow (Exodus 35:23).

Curiously, this Biblical passage contains the three cardinal rules of modern radiation protection as taught by Professors of Radiology:

1) distance

2)  shielding, and

3)  time.

          Following this model, I suspect Moses knew he had survived an initiatory rite of limited exposure to what we now call ionizing radiation, and realized the rules and commandments he had acquired to be formidable tools with which to protect and transform the "mixed multitudes" of the Egyptian Exodus into "a kingdom of priests and an invincible holy nation."

          He must have known that a key to implementing this plan was to gradually expose the Israelites to this immensely powerful and mysterious light, while changing their diet, behavior and moral fiber to ensure their survival, as the intensity and frequency of their Divine encounters increased.  Leviticus 15:31 states it best:  “You must warn and separate the people of Israel from their uncleanness that they not die during their uncleanness when they thereby defile my Tabernacle that is among them.”  Therefore, strict Biblical commandments that mandate both physical and highly moral human behavior, along with a respect for life in all of its forms, enabled the Israelites to survive in a highly-radioactive environment.  

          This statement, ascribed to God, may be the earliest account of a known example of what may prove to be a link between civilized behavior and surviving in a highly-ionized environment.  God's Nuclear Touch proposes this link that pervades the Old Testament, and should be examined further to discover its merits in our world today.

That state of “uncleanness” or contamination mentioned above, may help us to better understand the practical physical nature of religious precepts like:

q  Sabbath rest (no work allowed during times of dangerously elevated levels of high-speed particle

bombardment, when God rested and dropped his shielding of the Israelites).

q  Dietary (Kosher) laws that forbid the ingestion of certain animals, and blood, which are said to

contaminate us.

q  The need for atonement, to cast off guilt and sin, which are major components of Biblically described



          Rigid and difficult to follow moral standards, rules and rituals, in addition to their moral and social value, evidently intended to minimize potentially damaging effects of the Israelites' exposure to nuclear radiation by:

q  Reducing stress.

q  Purging uncleanness such as negative emotions, guilt, and sins.

q  Increasing restful healing, while decreasing dangerous physical activities in the presence of higher than

normal radiation levels.

q  Promoting physical, mental and spiritual well-being.


          The Text tells us that each time Moses and God met face to face in the Tent of Meeting, the name for the portable communion structure, it glowed with the Divine Presence. suggests that the Tent was originally erected outside the camp, far from the tribes until it was later enclosed inside many layers of Tabernacle shielding material, to limit their exposure to this powerful radiance that resembles the glow from nuclear fission.

          But this isolation strategy did not always work. After Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses' popularity and his foreign wife (Numbers 12:1, 2) they were all summoned to the Tent of Meeting.  When God appeared, Miriam was stricken with a devastating plague while the previously exposed (and presumably less contaminated) brothers were not harmed in any way.

          Moses cried out to Him to heal his older sister, and Aaron pointed out the extent of what may have been her radiation burns when he appealed,  "let not Miriam be like a stillborn child, who comes from the womb with its flesh half rotted away" (Numbers 12:12).  Then God commanded her to be quarantined from the camp for a period of at least seven days.  Numbers 12:10 states that "when the cloud left its place over the tent Miriam became leprous, white as snow," a condition that resembles the effects of ionizing radiation more than leprosy.   Radiation burns away flesh in a process called sloughing, which could explain how dark Semitic skin appears ghastly white in color, and flesh falls off bones.  By this account, Miriam's affliction is strikingly similar to the ghoulish appearance of victims of the atomic explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

Miriam may also have been quarantined because her belongings, apparel and any dirt or contamination on her body were too radioactively "hot" to come into contact with others.  Or perhaps some form of contagion (not necessarily germs) was enhanced by these observed phenomena, so isolation was mandatory.  In Biblical times, many observed this disease to be contagious for a short period of time, hence the prohibition.  The Israelite Priests, called Kohanes, were instructed, in the Bible, to isolate anyone with skin blemish-like symptoms for at least seven days outside the camp.  The affected area was declared "clean" if it appeared status quo or healing on its own (indicating a radiation burn or a normal blemish).  If the affected area was getting worse it was deemed to be “unclean” or leprosy, which, if this is actually what it was, has a three-year incubation period and exhibits continual degeneration of the skin.

It is debatable whether laboratory rats and other animals and insects, are or are not instinctively sensitive to radiation.  People are not radiation-sensitive and awareness usually comes too late to avert a problem.  Ancient Sumerian texts describe the mysterious end of their remarkably advanced civilization, from an “evil wind” emanating from a dark orange cloud that could not be escaped, perhaps a stronger version of the one that injured Miriam.  Unaware of the danger, the rediscovered ancient tablets say that those who fled to the rooftops died there. Those who hid behind doors died on the floor. Humans indeed require radiation detection assistance, like witnessing others die, experiencing radiation burns, reading the warnings posted by others, or seeing sensors that recognize higher-than-normal levels.  Otherwise we are oblivious to the danger.

Miriam may have thus learned to stop speaking badly about others and stay far away from the Tent of Meeting and the presence of God, which evidently was the primary source of radiation.  A modern comparison is that anyone who has had a severe sunburn (also a form of radiation damage), or sun poisoning, quickly learns to stay out of the sun. These observations lead to the idea that feeling negative emotions and/or partaking in bad speech about another person, in the presence of elevated amounts of ionizing radiation, has a far greater negative biological impact than when levels are lower. 

          Nothing currently known in medical science could possibly heal burns as severe as Miriam's in one week.  If we accept the accuracy of the Biblical reporting on this matter, then this story holds forth the possibility of discovering radically new healing techniques, although her death is described a few chapters later, specifically in chapter 20, after “The Separation of the Unclean” is described in Chapter 19.  Repeating the concept, a clear picture emerges from these depictions; strict Biblical commandments that mandate both physical and highly moral human behavior, along with a respect for life in all of its forms, enabled the Israelites to survive in a highly-radioactive environment. The corollary is that immoral behavior precipitates disease and death when one is anywhere near God's Nuclear Touch.

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          A contrasting example to Miriam's sudden exposure is found in Leviticus 8:31-35, where Moses instructs Aaron and his sons on the procedures for their inauguration as priests: "Boil the flesh (of a ram) at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting and eat it there with the bread that is in the basket of ordination... You shall remain at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting day and night for seven days--that you may not die."


GNT suggests these verses indicate that Aaron and his sons may somehow have developed a tolerance for ionizing radiation, by remaining at the Tent of Meeting's entrance for seven days and nights. The meal offerings God required, and perhaps the mysterious manna food substance He provided, may have helped to absorb or "scavenge" toxic substances known as free radicals and assimilate some of the deleterious effects of ingested and ambient radiation.  Current research indicates that certain sulfur-rich vegetables in the alum family, notably garlic and onions as well as bitter melon (and the ritually eaten bitter herbs / horseradish?) seem to reduce toxicity and the incidence of cancer among people exposed to radiation.

Another recent medical discovery in the news states: April 10, 2010 “An experimental drug by Cleveland BioLabs may protect cancer patients and battlefield soldiers from the harmful effects of radiation.  The medicine, biologically engineered from a protein in the bacteria salmonella, kept mice and monkeys safe from some of the toxic results of radiation, researchers reported today in the journal Science” (Bloomberg).  Salmonella is commonly found in food, and this new discovery lends credence to the Biblical ritual for the protection of the priests.

God's Nuclear Touch further speculates that foods eaten during the Levitical period may have also contained slight traces of radioactivity, which may have homeopathically fortified the Priests against radiation by acting like "a bit of the hair of the dog that bit you," or some sort of vaccine.  The ritual of the Inauguration of the Priests served as a seven-day gradual exposure, physical-conditioning process that seems to be a recipe to increase resistance to radiation (and perhaps many forms of cancer) in humans.  If this is true, imagine how much a similar technique could be put to use today.

The exposure process, over a thousand years, evidently left a genetic marker on the DNA of the sons of Aaron and a method to test for this is currently available.  This mutation occurred in either the seven day “inauguration” described in this procedure, or during their millennium of service in proximity to the Divine Presence, which continued through the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD.  More on this subject is found in Chapter Six - The Anti Cancer Gene.

Longevity is apparently affected by exposure to radiation.  In large doses, exposure can cause premature death from radiation poisoning, or fatal tumors that may not be detected until many years later.  In small well-directed doses, microbes and malignancies can be destroyed, sometimes restoring the wellness of the person. 

General well-being from radiation exposure has been observed in laboratory reports in the current radiation biology literature.  They suggest an increased life-span in rats is due to small doses of radiation over a prolonged period of time.

Separate studies show that depriving rats of calories greatly increases their life-spans.  In fact, much research is being conducted into the process that occurs, in hopes of recreating the process to slow the aging process in humans.  GNT postulates that this process may have been in use for thousands of years in the form of religious diets and fasts, thirteen days per year the Jewish Calendar that effectively reduce the health problems and aging process associated with high speed particles intersecting with water, and perhaps Biblically described contamination in the body.

The dramatic finale to the story of Moses is told in Deuteronomy 34:10-12. "Never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses -- whom the LORD singled out face to face, for the various signs and wonders that the LORD sent him to display in the land of Egypt... all the great might and awesome power that Moses displayed before all Israel."   And no one else in these first five Biblical narrations radiated visible light from their faces either.

Whether the underlying mechanism for this described phenomenon resembles a medication derived from Salmonella, a homeopathic agent, or a form of inoculation, can only be determined if we continue collecting data and experimenting in this direction, instead of dismissing these Biblical and other ancient accounts as myth.  Note: Unless the effect of (any type of) radiation on the body is the subject of a study, this form of energy should be more widely excluded from medical experiments.  To ensure the accuracy and repeatability of the results, even background amounts could be skewing and invalidating otherwise meaningful outcomes.


The Bible's description of the physical prowess of the 120 year old Moses states, “His eyes had not dimmed nor his natural powers (vitality) left him," (Deuteronomy 34:7).  God's Nuclear Touch suggests that many beneficial effects of radiation exposure, including health and longevity, might be available to us through further scientific research into those Biblically-described "Mysterious Rays of Light."

Stay tuned!


©1989-2012 A. Stuart Kaplan

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